Thursday, 30 April 2009

Link to our story in Coutryfile Magazine

Remember we were in the BBC Countryfile Magazine a while ago? Well, the story's online now, you can read it here: A wood of their own


Monday, 27 April 2009

A brazier and the stars

On Friday our neighbour Andrew collected some logs to burn on his upcoming caravan trip, and last night he gave his brazier a test run. He has to use this because caravan sites are sometimes a bit precious about their turf apparently... Anyway, it works really nicely:

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Sunday, 26 April 2009

Friday in the woods

Friday was the last day my family were visiting, so we had dinner up in the woods in the evening. The wayleave is now dense with leaves:

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Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Perfect timing

Things change fast in the woods during Spring, and there are certain sights you only get to see on one, perhaps two, weekends in a year. Last weekend was one of these times. The Wood Anemone are fading, but still there, and the Bluebells are heading towards their peak, giving us the once-a-year opportunity to see them together:

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Saturday, 18 April 2009

Cockatiels looking for trouble

I thought I'd share this video I took today of our cockatiels, looking for trouble on the table. They're busying trying to chew the place mats to pieces, but it's taking a while as they're quite tough. Tom likes to copy everything Pete does - in this video he follows Pete around while he's singing, and even goes to have a poo off the edge of the table at the exact same spot Pete did a few seconds earlier!

My parents and my brother and his family are in Rye this week, so we'll all be heading up to the wood tomorrow.


Tuesday, 14 April 2009

BBC Radio 4 Costing the Earth - we're on!

You may remember that back in February we were interviewed by Tom Heap (presenter) and Martin Poyntz-Roberts (producer) for Costing the Earth.

Well, it was on last night, called "A Burning Solution" and you can listen to it online here:

It's also going to be repeated at 13:30 this Thursday, 16th April.

This is also in the news, as the Environment Agency’s recent “Biomass: Carbon sink or carbon sinner” report has been mentioned, although in the main BBC news it is mis-reported with the headline “Biomass 'worse than fossil fuels'”, when in fact the report only said this was the case if nitrogen fertilisers were used to grow trees and/or the biomass was moved a long distance. (Neither of which we do, of course!)


Monday, 13 April 2009

Tree planting and more butterflies

Everything is getting very green in the woods now, the wayleave looks different even since three days ago

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Sean and Sarah's wood

Yesterday we went to visit our friends Sean and Sarah in their wood in West Sussex, about 60 miles from us. It's a very different wood from ours, mostly hazel coppice with dense oak standards and self-seeded ash.

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