Sunday, 22 February 2009

Bluebells are starting...

We saw something cool today - Bluebell shoots in our wood - they've been in my parents' wood for a while, not sure why they start earlier there...
Anyway, we should see the Wood Anemone flower before the Bluebells start.

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Woods from years ago, and how NOT to prune a tree

A couple of weeks ago I visited my parents, near Manchester. Here's some pictures of woods I used to play in as a child, and also some appalling pruning of a tree that I saw.

Here's the path at the back of my parents' house, it used to be a mining railway, but is now a haven for wildlife, probably because as a strip of trees a few metres wide it is almost entirely "edge":

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Saturday, 21 February 2009

Odds and ends

A few pictures from Saturday...

As it was sunny, Dave (a friend form church) was taking his bike out, and offered to take Tracy for a ride - she's been looking forward to this for some time!

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Monday, 16 February 2009

Spring is here!

We went up to the wood on Sunday afternoon, and finished coppicing one stool we'd left part-done by the pond. While we were there, we saw a sign of spring coming - catkins on this Hazel tree:

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Sunday, 15 February 2009

Stakes for the allotment

Got a bit of catching up to do... so, here's what we did a week ago, helping a customer (Pip) install some stakes we'd sold her for a small orchard she's planting in her allotment patch.

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Saturday, 7 February 2009

Feeding the birds, and problems with squirrels

This post is mostly about birds in our wood:
but first let me digress onto squirrel damage...

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